“As long as you are trying to become, trying to get somewhere, trying to attain something, you are quite literally moving away from the Truth itself ”
“Love is a flame that burns everything other than itself. It is the destruction of all that is false and the fulfillment of all that is true ”
“The process of finding the truth may not be a process by which we feel increasingly better and better. It may be a process by which we look at things honestly, sincerely, truthfully, and that may or may not be an easy thing to do.”
“Love is a flame that burns everything other than itself. It is the destruction of all that is false and the fulfillment of all that is true.”
“All that is necessary to awaken to yourself as the radiant emptiness of spirit is to stop seeking something more or better or different, and to turn your attention inward to the awake silence that you are”
“We need the willingness to lose our world. That willingness is the surrender; that willingness is the letting go. And each of us has to find what that letting go means for us, what we need to let go of. Whether it is easy or difficult does not matter in the slightest. It is the letting go that is ultimately important.”
“Love is the only teacher that keeps us on our knees all the time”
“A spiritual teaching is a finger pointing toward Reality; it is not Reality itself. To be in a true and mature relationship with a spiritual teaching requires you to apply it, not simply believe in it. ”